I love this time of year. I am constantly shivering, it's dark at 5 PM and the months just fly by. But no, Thanksgiving is up there with one of my favorite holidays and I do look forward to coming home. There's nothing better than seeing those high school friends that you didn't even want to see every day of high school, and trying to figure out designated drivers so you can get drunk enough to pretend to be nice.
I've fully intended to provide the musical accompaniment to our turkey dinner this year. My sister will tell me that it's not appropriate dinner music, my brother will tell me some of it is cool but please stop singing so I can actually hear it, my mother will tell me it's too loud, and my dad will say it sounds like [insert a classic rock band here]. I love my family.
Here's my turkey day mix. Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. I'm thankful for Gawker Stalker who provide me with entertainment each week and a mention about Ralph Fiennes and Gina Gershon at Crash Mansion during the Underrated Issue Release Party. Too bad they forgot to mention the mag. Didn't they know they were apparently friends with me too?
Crash Mansion on Friday: Ralph Fiennes and Gina Gershon came into see Maggie Kim and her band, who’s apparently friendly with them. They were very nice and though they seemed to have been drinking previously, declined offers of drinks and freebies and stuck with bottled water for the show. They went right up to the front during Maggie’s set and rocked out, then left shortly afterwards…
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