This morning's wake-up was rough. Let me give you the recap early this morning, because once the day gets going, multitasking will be out of the question. But what a treat it was last night to see three of my favorite bands, all in one place. It seems silly, but it felt like home walking into Rothko last night -- so many familiar faces. However, I blame Liz for convincing me to drink a bottle of wine with her even before we made it to Rothko. That left me with just enough money for a salad for dinner, hence today I want to crawl underneath my desk and hide.
The Upwelling started things off and proceeded not to blow out a speaker this time. It was an interesting set for the boys, sans computer, creating a raw sound that I happened to quite like. I caught one or two new songs in there (one of which I swear Ari was rapping) and I still wince when they play "Annie on the Rooftop." Too bad it happens to be one of my favorites. But what is really important in the scope of things are Ari's super cool Paul Frank shoes. I told him later I liked them and he said he'd let me borrow them. I think I may hold him to that.

Next up The GoStation. Matt opened up the set with an acoustic version of "Wake Me Up When September Ends." And the show was closed by my favorite number. No complaints here. Liz and I will never be able to stand still during a GoStation show, and we like it that way.

I'm not sure if I'm biased now that I know The Diggs, but each time I see them, or merely listen to one of their songs -- I am consistently impressed. They happen to be super nice guys, and lucky for you and me, make incredible music. I think during the last song, the fantastically haunting "Trouble Everyday" I started yelling to Susan that this is what music is supposed to sound like. It gave me chills and to my recollection I had to cover my mouth because I was gaping. I think I even told Rob that he was authentic. Then I realized it was probably best for me to get home.

We left to the sounds of Nora playing "Oh Mandy" and life couldn't be better. I made my way over to Canal to catch the Q but had to have a smoke before the long ride home (lord knows I don't need another ticket). I happened to bump into my good friend Andrew who I swear I haven't seen in years. As silly as it sounds, I feel like I've got a place in this city now. And as terrible as I feel right now, nights like those make it all worthwhile.
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