Greetings from Chi-town. My sister and I have always had arguements as to which city is better - Chicago or New York. Granted this is the first time I've visited her. I must say that Chicago is a pretty sweet town. Went to see Second City the other night which was hilarious and had some yummy deep dish pizza yesterday. Mmm. But I've found that it's quite a small world. I met two of my sister's friends tonight and we were chatting about bands. They asked if I knew Aberdeen City and of course I did. Turns out they went to high school with them. Aberdeen City will be featured in the next issue of the magazine and is a fantastic band. Saw them when they had a residency at Piano's a couple months ago and will be seeing them at the Dovecote Records CMJ showcase on the 17th. Carter said I was "insane" if I didn't check out The Late Greats there too.

Listen to the The Late Greats here.
CMJ here we come. The Dovecote Records CMJ showcase is on Saturday Sept 17th @ CBGB's 313 Gallery at 7pm. Come support, get free stuff... It will be fun. WE PROMISE
7:30 Tim Williams
8:15 The Late Greats (UK)
9:00 Aberdeen City
Hey Chicago ain't bad, but I can't wait to get back to New York. Back for good come Monday. Yeehaw.
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