Friday, May 13, 2005

Old Maid

I fear I've become an old lady, three weeks away from turning 21. I haven't been to a show in over two weeks, what's wrong with me? (ed-totally just remembered I was at A Brief Smile show last Saturday. Man, I guess I did get pretty drunk that night. But it was a week before that and I haven't gone to any this week...or so I think..) I had every intention in walking the 3 blocks to Pianos last night to check out Brooklyn boys The Diggs play at their EP release party. Certain things came into play, however, before their 11 PM set time.

  • I began drinking at 3 PM.
  • I fell asleep on my couch at 9:30 PM

    Pitiful. I heard they were great, and I'm really 'digging' their EP. So next time I will be sure to delay happy hour and actually stay awake past primetime TV. Here's what I missed:
    MP3s (right click, save as, you know the drill)
  • Stagg
  • Trouble Everyday

    I got their EP in the mail a week ago to find it all cracked, so I was disappointed. Luckily I got a new copy yesterday and although it's only three songs, it's very intriguing. Listen to the drums on "Trouble Everyday." It's adds so much to a simple melancholy song. I hear these guys live are out of this world, damn.

    Speaking of cracked, in the past two days I've broken three things in my apartment. Usually I wouldn't think much of this because I am by nature clumsy, but it's gotten me a little creeped out. On Wednesday I went to grab a plate from my cabinet and two plates came crashing down on me. My roommate has these four plates that have really cool drawings of different cities on them. Guess which one I broke? London. And the fact that I am flying out there in a little over a month got me a little scared. And then last night I was washing out my coffee pot and dropped it. There must be so many tiny pieces of glass all over my apartment. But waking up this morning and not smelling a fresh pot of coffee being made was rough.

    You don't really care.

    TONIGHT! I actually will be out because it's Friday and I'm young. I was very torn between what show to go to tonight, but a free admission, open bar, and The GoStation sealed the deal. They are, if you didn't know already, Issue Six's cover story.

    The GoStation (9:45)
    w/ "Coke Dick" (really The Madison Strays shhh), The Murdochs, Morning Theft
    Crash Mansion
    199 Bowery at Spring St
    Open Bar 9-10


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