Wednesday, May 25, 2005

One Week

Sorry for the lack of post today, I have a to-do list up the wazoo that I'm trying to get done asap. Number one on the list? Find a job. Quick. That will only last for about a month before I leave for London. Any suggestions?

Just finished watching Lost. Holy crap. That show is pure genius. I'm going to be hypothesizing all summer now, thanks J.J. Abrams. Who the hell were those guys on the boat and why do they want Walt? Where does that ladder lead to? Is the crazy French lady really crazy? When will the big good vs. evil battle arrive, and which side are Locke and Jack on? Oh my head is spinning just thinking about it. Yeah, I know, not about music, but that show is just fantastic.

Oh yeah, I had to change the layout. I get bored easily. We'll see how long this one lasts.

One week from today I will be 21. Watch out.


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