Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Great Day Coming

I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't know what I'm talking about half the time, especially when it comes to music. Some bands you can make those clear comparisons that really irk me, and others you can ramble on and on about and when you actually listen to the song, find you are completely wrong. And some music just can't really be explained. Every song is different, it cant be declared to sound like anything else familiar, and that's when I think music is at its best.

Before I left I received the album for Great Day Coming. I imported and loaded it on to my iPod to listen for the agonizing plane trips. I remember listening to it and felt it very fitting on a plane. Why? I have no idea. I just felt like it was meant to be listened to above ground. Regardless, I enjoyed the numerous listens and when I came back I wanted to find out who this band was.

Great Day Comingis just two guys, Glenn Larkin and Thomas El from good old NYC. When you listen to the album, you cannot imagine how two guys can create the ridiculous layers of sound. Then I find out it was all recorded in a home studio. You can hear every sound imaginable on this record, from acoustic and electric guitars, to flutes, trumpets, salt shakers, kazoos, xylophone...and yes, heavy breathing. It's quite the experience.

That was a terrible explanation, see! But for the record, when I imported it into iTunes, the genre was "Unclassifiable." So it's not only me. Just listen for yourself. (right click save as)

  • Now You Know Why (from album)
  • Happy Ending (rough cut, new song, not from album)

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