Thursday, February 1, 2007

Ra Ra Riot @ Mercury Lounge | New EP

Last night I made the grand re-emergence of 2007, stepping out of my apartment for the first time since Sunday morning's fun trip to the ER. It felt nice to be outside the confines of a couch and reality TV. Granted I didn't go very far...only a couple blocks west to Mercury Lounge for yet another stellar lineup.

It's always a pleasure to see Ra Ra Riot whether it be in the middle of a clothing store or on a well-refuted stage. Last night was the latter, and actually my first time seeing them at Mercury Lounge. While I expected the band to sound top-notch sonically, something was up with some funky mics that left more to be desired. Regardless, the band put on yet another rowdy set (complete with "Hounds of Love" cover, always a crowd pleaser) that was nonstop fun.

Not to sound like a complete former stoner, but I find Ra Ra Riot at their best when they are jamming out. I wish they extended those instrumental jams sometimes. It's such a privilege to listen to a band like this with such a talented a string section that I frankly can't get enough. And when they get into those crazy moments where all the elements lineup and each part perfectly compliments the other, well...that's when the crowd goes really wild.

Last night the band debuted a couple reworked tracks from their upcoming EP. Specifically "Dying is Fine" has a brand new intro that teases and pleases thanks to lead singer Wesley Miles vocal antics. Watching them made me very excited to hear the new recordings, in which the band was working on this past weekend. Apparently they worked so hard they finished a day early, which means we'll get a copy one day earlier as well. Awesome. No date yet on its release, but something tells me it may be in time for SXSW.

The band will in fact be down in Austin probably playing a billion shows over the four day festival. Following that trip, Ra Ra will be heading overseas, with a mini-tour in the UK. Check out their myspace for more deets.


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