Friday, February 2, 2007

Seth Kallen & The Reaction @ Sin-e | Sideproject: The Lloyds

Seth Kallen + The Reaction

My my, our show feels like ages ago (has it not even been a week?) but I promised that I'd get up posts on each artist, so here I am with number two. Up second last Saturday was none other than Seth Kallen + The Reaction who actually was the catalyst in the whole evening in the first place. It was Mr. Kallen who had booked the evening and looked to me for expertise (or maybe that was what I said) to fill out the lineup. So if you happened to have fun Saturday night, you have Mr. Kallen to thank.

No one ever believes me when I tell them how old Seth is, because he neither looks nor sounds like he is only 20. And while I feel bad always harboring in on his age, it's impossible to overlook. Saturday night might have been the strongest set from the band, where Seth's vocals filled the entire packed venue. Nora was partial to her new favorite tune "Shiver" but I always love "No Ace" which ended the set. It's got the perfect amount of twang that Seth isn't afraid to let loose. It was an impressive set, and I'm pretty sure all you close-minded hipsters were dancing along during "Who The Funk Are You."

Next time, I wanna hear a Tally Hall cover.


When he's not spending time with his band The Reaction, or thinking up ways to propose to Regina Spektor, Seth can be found working on two different side projects. The first, Algo, is guitarist Frankie Celenza's jazz infused group that is playing a sold out show tonight at Knitting Factory.

The second, which I am most excited about is a folk project entitled The Lloyds (no website just yet). Together with other guitarist Adam Samuels on the mandolin (Nora, contain yourself) and Liz Hanley (violin), they will be introducing new artists on a regular basis to perform and record. I'm very intrigued and curious on how this will all sound, but us New Yorkers might have to wait a little while for them to make their debut. They will kick off the project in Philadelphia on February 23, but no news of a NYC show just yet.


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