I rarely insist on any shows. I've been known to persuade, recommend, comment, etc but aside from the shows I put on myself (which are not to be missed) I don't like to have the authority to insist. Until now.
It feels like every two weeks since September I have the chance to see A Brief Smile play a show. I can't complain. I go every time and each time it's something different. You can't say that about many bands in New York. Tonight they play Trash Bar in Williamsburg, which makes it easy for me to not have to deal with the silly subways into Manhattan. So if you live in Brooklyn (you know who you are), you have no excuse. And if you don't, well they promise that this open bar will actually exist. The show is being put on by Loveless Music Group who switch between Trash and Scenic each week. Last week I caught Saints + Lovers and coming up in the next few weeks are The Diggs and Beat Radio. Very cool.
The open bar is from 9-10 and A Brief Smile goes on at midnight. Take tomorrow off to catch up on all that work you've been avoiding tomorrow too. I insist on that, as well.
When's your next chance to check out A Brief Smile, you ask? Well how about at Underrated Magazine's Issue Seven Release Party? Yup, that's right. Now the band isn't exactly in this next issue, so let me explain...
It's strange to think that it was now three issues ago that they appeared in the magazine. The magazine was in a completely different state than it is now. I still had no idea what I was doing (do I now?) and it was still black and white photocopied pieces of paper stapled together by yours truly. We've come a long long way. So has A Brief Smile.
While I may be obsessed with new music, and finding new bands, I don't forget about the ones that I've listened to previously either. That's why I wanted readers to see the progress and be as impressed as I to where the magazine and the bands featured have come. And where this all could be going...
A Brief Smile will be our special guest at the show on November 18.
Listen to more at myspace.
at Between (a Rock and Hard Place)
Crash Mansion
New York, NY
Friday, November 18
Open bar 9-10
Free entrance before 11
A Brief Smile
and more to be announced...
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