Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday Fun

Quick post here -- last day at work, I've got lunch with the boss and then an "exit interview". What in gods name is that?

Anyways, in mourning the loss of my iPod I decided to splurge at In Sound and received a whole bunch of new music yesterday. I felt bad because it had been some time since I had actually purchased a new disc. I felt like a fraud. But no longer.

I'll post some of my favs and some reviews this weekend, since I still have yet to move out, and am leaving for London in EXACTLY ONE WEEK!

For your listening pleasure today, the boys of A Brief Smile have been busy this summer recording new material. They've booked a show at TISWAS in August, and Mercury in September. Watch out people, these youngins are on to something big. I'm totally digging the new material.

A Brief Smile - And So It Begins (right click, save as)

And you can buy their EP here.

photos by Syd Stanyar


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